Rescue vessels | Pilot 031 SE

Pilot 031 SE

Sigurd Golje

Price: The Swedish Maritime Administration ask for best offer, we can guide.

The pilot boat Pilot 031 SE, formerly known as Sigurd Golje, is being sold directly by the Swedish Maritime Administration. This ice-going former rescue vessel was built in 1971 at Djupvik Shipyard and operated by the Swedish Sea Rescue Society (SSRS) until the year 2000. It was then acquired by the Swedish Maritime Administration, where it has served as both a pilot boat and a floating pilot station in Iggesund.

The vessel is equipped with a June Munktell main engine, delivering 618 kW, with approximately 12,000 operating hours. It features a spacious wheelhouse and boat deck, along with a galley, mess room and storage area on the main deck. There are two toilets onboard. Below deck at the stern, there are three crew cabins, while the bow includes a lounge and a four-berth cabin. The aft deck is fitted with a towing hook, towing winch, and hydraulic crane.

Pilot 031 is available for inspection in Iggesund by arrangement with Shipsforsale.


  • (flagStat) Flag state: SE, Sweden
  • (klassningsSallskap) Classification: Statsfartyg, oklassat
  • (storstaLangd) LOA: 23,93 metres
  • (storstaBredd) Beam: 6,94 metres
  • (djupGaende) Draft: 3,2 metres
  • (varv) Shipyard: Djupviks varv AB
  • (byggnummer) Yard number: N263
  • (byggAr) Year built: 1971
  • (batTyp) Vessel type: Sjöräddningskryssare
  • (materialSkrov) Hull material: Steel
  • (materialOverbyggnad) Material superstructure: Steel
  • (tonnage) Tonnage: 101 Grt / 30 Nrt
  • (deplacement) Displacement: 130 tonnes
  • (hytter_baddar) No. of cabins: 4 Beds: 8
  • (maskinForbTim) Consumption: @10,5 kn 100 l/hour
  • (maskinMarscFart) Cruising speed: 7-8 knots
  • (maskinToppFart) Top speed: 10,5 knots


  • (huvudmotor)Main engine: June Munktell 7TMFD 260 MVH, 618 kW, 12000 running hours, installed 1971
  • (propeller)Drive type: Säffle variable pitch propeller
  • (hjalpMotorer)Auxiliary engine: (portalelement hjalpMotorer tillverkare )Perkins (slut portalelement Maskiner)(portalelement hjalpMotorer gangtimmar )7000 running hours (slut portalelement Maskiner)slut inre portalelement med 2 element (portalelement hjalpMotorer tillverkare )Volvo Penta (slut portalelement Maskiner)(portalelement hjalpMotorer modell )TD 70 CHC (slut portalelement Maskiner)(portalelement hjalpMotorer gangtimmar )12000 running hours (slut portalelement Maskiner)slut inre portalelement med 3 element
  • (maskinKommentar)Misc: Integrerat backslag

Engine room equipment

  • (maskinUtrKommentar)Misc: Oljepanna och luft/vattenpump som värmer returvatten till pannan.

Navigation equipment

Tank capacity

  • (tankarDiesel)Diesel: (listelement tankarDiesel - Tankar)3 X 4m3 plus one shut bottom tank of 4 m3(slut listelement)
  • (tankarFarskvatten)Fresh water: (listelement tankarFarskvatten - Tankar)4 m3(slut listelement)
  • (tankarSvartvatten)Septic: (listelement tankarSvartvatten - Tankar)0,5 m3(slut listelement)

Safety equipment

  • (livflottar)Life raft: (portalelement livflottar tillverkare )Viking (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)(portalelement livflottar modell )6 DK+ (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)slut inre portalelement med 2 element (portalelement livflottar tillverkare )DSB (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)(portalelement livflottar kapacitet )6 persons. (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)slut inre portalelement med 2 element
  • (lanterncentral)Navigation light control: (portalelement lanterncentral tillverkare )Tranberg (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)slut inre portalelement med 1 element
  • (epirb)EPIRB: (portalelement epirb tillverkare )McMurdo (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)slut inre portalelement med 1 element
  • (radarTransponder)Radar transponder SART: (portalelement radarTransponder tillverkare )Kannad (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)slut inre portalelement med 1 element
  • (barbarGMDSS_VHF)Portable GMDSS VHF: (portalelement barbarGMDSS_VHF tillverkare )Jotron (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)(portalelement barbarGMDSS_VHF modell )Tron TR20 (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)slut inre portalelement med 2 element

Deck equipment

  • (dackKommentar)Misc: The crane on boatdeck is not functioning.


Iggesund, December 2024.


Spacious wheelhouse with door to aft deck.

Main deck with galley and small mess. Two toilettes.

Large salon sofas and tables. Fore of the salon is a cabin with four bunks.

Three cabins below deck in the aft part of the vessel.

Engine room.

All details given in good faith but not guaranteed. Equipment are subject to change or be removed from the vessel.
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