Passenger ships | Sunnan II
Sunnan II
Imatra II, S/S Louhivesi, S/S Lappeenranta, Imatra II

Price: EUR 360.000
The former Saimen steamer Sunnan II was built in 1906 in Varkaus and was operated for many years by Saiman Höyrylaiva OY under the name Imatra II. In 1984, the steam engine was replaced by a diesel engine.
After a number of years as a restaurant boat in the Ekenäs archipelago, she is today operating in Mariehamn on Åland. Sunnan II has a certificate for 87 passengers.
The ship has three dining salons, of which the two larger ones in the stern both also have a wind-protected outer part. There are five cabins with bunk beds and an additional cabin that today functions as an office. Plenty of storage space below deck.
During 2019-2020, major renovations were made to the ship. Among other things, approx. 60 square meters of the hull was replaced, installation of bow thrusters, complete interior renovation including kitchen and overhaul of main engine and auxiliary engine.
Sunnan II can be inspected in Mariehamn by agreement.
After a number of years as a restaurant boat in the Ekenäs archipelago, she is today operating in Mariehamn on Åland. Sunnan II has a certificate for 87 passengers.
The ship has three dining salons, of which the two larger ones in the stern both also have a wind-protected outer part. There are five cabins with bunk beds and an additional cabin that today functions as an office. Plenty of storage space below deck.
During 2019-2020, major renovations were made to the ship. Among other things, approx. 60 square meters of the hull was replaced, installation of bow thrusters, complete interior renovation including kitchen and overhaul of main engine and auxiliary engine.
Sunnan II can be inspected in Mariehamn by agreement.
- (flagStat) Flag state: FI, Finland
- (klassningsSallskap) Classification: TraFi, Finnish Transport Safety Agency
- (storstaLangd) LOA: 26.83 metres
- (storstaBredd) Beam: 6.50 metres
- (djupGaende) Draft: 2.40 metres
- (varv) Shipyard: Paul Wahl & Co
- (byggAr) Year built: 1906
- (hemort) Home port: Jomala
- (tonnage) Tonnage: 142 GT
- (passagerare_1) No. of passengers: 87
- (huvudmotor)Main engine: 1 Volvo TMD120B, 2000 running hours, installed 1984overhauled 2021
- (backslag)Gearbox: Reintjes WAF 260reduction 5,950:1
- (hjalpMotorer)Auxiliary engine: (portalelement hjalpMotorer tillverkare )Perkins (slut portalelement Maskiner)(portalelement hjalpMotorer generator )Dingol (slut portalelement Maskiner)(portalelement hjalpMotorer generatorEffekt )42 (slut portalelement Maskiner)slut inre portalelement med 3 element
- (maskinKommentar)Misc: Reserve generator Ford
Engine room equipment
- (maskinUtrKompressorer)Compressor: (listelement maskinUtrKompressorer - Maskinrumsutrustning)ABAC Power Agri 3.0/150(slut listelement)
- (maskinUtrKommentar)Misc: Termax värmepanna, 200 liter, 17 kw (1993). Oilon junior pro-brännare.
Navigation equipment
Tank capacity
- (tankarDiesel)Diesel: (listelement tankarDiesel - Tankar)2 x 5 kubik(slut listelement)
- (tankarFarskvatten)Fresh water: (listelement tankarFarskvatten - Tankar)2.8 kubik(slut listelement)
- (tankarSvartvatten)Septic: (listelement tankarSvartvatten - Tankar)3.7 kubik(slut listelement)
Safety equipment
- (livflottar)Life raft: (portalelement livflottar tillverkare )Viking (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)(portalelement livflottar modell )50DKR+ (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)(portalelement livflottar kapacitet )51 persons. (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)slut inre portalelement med 3 element (portalelement livflottar tillverkare )Viking (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)(portalelement livflottar modell )50DKR+ (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)(portalelement livflottar kapacitet )51 persons. (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)slut inre portalelement med 3 element
- (brandlarmcentral)Fire alarm unit: (portalelement brandlarmcentral tillverkare )Esmi (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)slut inre portalelement med 1 element
- (barbarGMDSS_VHF)Portable GMDSS VHF: (portalelement barbarGMDSS_VHF tillverkare )McMurdo (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)(portalelement barbarGMDSS_VHF modell )SRH 50 (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)slut inre portalelement med 2 element
Certificates and documents
- National load line certificate Issued June 1992
- Yearly survey certificate Issued May 2023
- Safe manning certificate Issued June 2009
- Ship station license Issued Aug 2020
- Hull survey Issued April 2022
- GMDSS survey Issued March 2023
- Light weight control Issued April 2020
- Radio certificate Issued May 2020
- Stability booklet Approved July 1992
- Renovation report By the owners in Swedish
- Report shaft renovation Written April 2021
- Safety plan Drawing
- Fire and safety plan Drawing
- Freeboard plan Drawing
- Docking drawing Drawing
- Electricity drawing Drawing
All details given in good faith but not guaranteed. Equipment are subject to change or be removed from the vessel.
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